My Journey into Becomming Wiccan

{May 23, 2010}   Litha Incense

After the success of making my Litha oil, earlier this week, I decided to work on my incense blend.  I came across several recipes and tried out a few, but was not really happy with the aroma when burned, so I decided to try my own blend.  I based it on the oil recipe and summery smells that I liked.  It was sort of difficult to get it right – something that smells nice alone can smell not so great when mixed with other herbs.  So this is the mix I came up with:

Litha 2010 Incense Blend:

1 part Sandalwood

1 part Mugwort

1 part Chamomile

1 part Thyme

1 part lavender

1 part rose buds

1 part Rosemary

1 part lemongrass

1 pinch Vervain

a few drops Rose oil

a few drops Lavender oil

The picture is of the incense and my oil, they really seem to complement each other!

{May 21, 2010}   Litha Anointing Oil

This morning a friend called me up – she wanted to go to lunch and re-saleing.  I thought lunch was a great idea, but I hate re-sale shops.  I have enough junk of my own, I don’t need other peoples’!  But she loves going – so I agreed.  We had a nice lunch at Panera, and then hit the local re-sale shops.  I felt like a little kid, getting pulled along on a shopping trip with Mom, one dull store after another, then….we went into a shop that was sort of far away, and I found a whole bunch of stuff that I could use!    First, they had for a dollar a photo album that is post bound and like 3” thick, I think I can cover it with some velvet and viola, a Book of Shadows!  Then I found a few bottles that had oil, in them – they are really for display, they are interesting shaped with herbs in them.  They were also a dollar a piece, I got 3, then I found a candle holder that is shaped like the sun – perfect for my Litha sun spell, and finally some nice taper candles.  In total I spent $7 and got some interesting Wicca stuff!

So after I got home, I dumped the oil & herbs from the bottles and washed them very well.  After they were dried, I put 2 away in the basement cabinet where I store my wiccan stuff and the other I decided to use for my Litha Oil.  The bottle is sort of round and has a hole in the middle – sort of an interesting shape.  The oil looks great!  I think I might leave it out on a shelf in the screen porch.


10 drops Lavender oil

5 drops rose oil

5 drop rosemary oil

Almond oil

Gold glitter

Rose quartz

Fill the jar with Almond oil.  Add the essential oils.  The carefully add a little gold glitter to the bottle, and then drop in the crystals.  The oil looks great especially when shaken and the bits of glitter are all floating around.

{May 19, 2010}   Lessons Learned

I was preparing today for next month’s Litha celebration.  I remember that I had an awful time trying to get things to burn that were supposed to!  So this time, I have already made the Holly crown.  I have the Oak crown left over from Yule, so that should burn this year!  I recently got a new caldron from eBay – a fancy brass one –it is a bit larger then the old one, so hopefully I can get a fire going in it.  I have left over from winter some fire starter bricks that I am chopping up caldron sized so that I can have a real fire instead of just a candle.  I also am using tissue paper – plain white, for the herb packet, so that should burn better as well.  Last year I had a wonderful smelling yellow candle for the “Sun Spell” part of the Ritual, but it was rather large.  You are supposed to let the candle burn out, but I had it lit from about noon until about 11 pm, and it still had a lot to go!  So this year, forget about the fragrance – just going with a candle that will burn out.  It is finally getting warmer here, so I will be able to use my nice gown from last year.  I actually have used my ritual robe a few times this year – it is pretty heavy but was nice when I was outside at Yule!  I think I am pretty much just going to do the same ritual as last year, I liked it (except for the non-burning parts)  I am hoping that I can drop the employment spell part!  The goddess is getting me closer to getting a job – 2 interviews this week and 3 scheduled for next week already.  Once of these times something has to stick!

So I am hoping that the lessons that I have learned though out this past year will help me in this coming year.  Already I have learned the lessons about getting things to burn during a ritual!

Well so far I have not actually gotten a job.  I have gone on about 2 interviews a week since I did the spell 2 full moons ago.  That is a lot of interviews!  Some of the jobs were crap, some were really far from home, some were boring, and there were a couple that I would have really liked to have gotten.  So far this week I have 2 interviews – one is pretty far away, the other I think I would like to get. 

The spell itself is really a conjure bag spell.  It consists of a purple flannel bag, that I filled with herbs, my hair, & crystals.  I have anointed it with “crown of success” oil.  I also use birthday candles – I like how short they burn!

Employment Conjure Bag


Green Candle

White Candle

Lodestone – To Pull a Job to You

Magnetic Sand – Feeds the Lodestone

Devils Shoestring Herb – To Find You A Job

5 Finger Grass Herb – Represents Love, Money, Health, Power, & Wisdom

Dandelion – To Grant Your Wish

Violet-  For Luck

Sage – For Wisdom & Wishes

Aventurine – To Bring Luck in Business

Tigers Eye – For Luck & Prosperity

A Few Strands of Your Hair – To make the Bag Personal to You

Needle – To Inscribe the Candles

Purple Bag – Purple for Success

Crown of Success oil – To Bring Success to You

 Cast Circle

Anoint the candles with Crown of Success oil, then with a needle, inscribe your name on the green candle and the job title on the white candle.

Hold the bag over candles and concentrate on success flowing into the bag.  And say:

A good job awaits me I know
For thine brilliant light scans and searches a place for me
A good job awaits me, for thine goodness is great
My faith in thee is complete, a good job waits for me.

 Gather the herbs into your palm, hold it over the flames and say:

At this time and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient powers,
of the Lord and Lady
As I say this spell I ask of thee,
please bring my job to me,
with harm to none as you will it
so mote it be!

Place the herbs in the bag.

Now hold the crystals over the flames and say:

Crystals shining bright

I call upon your might

Bring this job to me

As I will it so mote it be.


Place them in the bag

Take the strands of your hair and hold them over the flame while saying:

            These are my hairs

            I Bless them with Love and Care

            They are mine and with them I will find

            A job that is just my kind

            As I will it – so mote it be

Now place the hairs in the bag         

Hold the Lodestone over the flames and send success into the stone.  Anoint it with a bit of the Crown of success oil. Place it in the bag and sprinkle a few grain of sand over the stone and say:

O Stone of the earth

With Love and Mirth

I call upon thee

To bring a good job to me

As I will it

So Mote it be.

Now snuff out the white and green candles and place the remains in the bag. 

Gather your energy and blow into the bag then say;

I charge thee with my job to be

By the Goddess and by the God

As I will it, so mote it be.

Now pull the drawsting closed and anoint the top rim of the bag with a drop of Crown of Success oil.

Afterward –

Carry the bag in your pocket or purse.  Be sure to anoint it again every week, until you have a job. Right before going into the interview, blow on the bag again and say:

I charge thee with my job to be

By the Goddess and by the God

As I will it, so mote it be.

When you interview for a job that you REALLY want – Anoint the business card of the interviewer with Crown of Success oil, and place it in the bag – then repeat the incantation:

I charge thee with my job to be

By the Goddess and by the God

As I will it, so mote it be.

{May 2, 2010}   Beltane 2010

Did my 2nd ever Beltane Rite yesterday.  I did this one a bit different then last year – last year I held it at dawn, this year mid-morning, I did not make a “present” but rather dedicated a household “guardian” and burned wood symbolizing the bale fire.  It rained here almost all night, so I did this in the screen pouch it was just too wet on the patio.  Below is the ritual I used this year:

Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with a white or dark green altar cloth. For this ceremony, decorate the altar with seasonal flowers of any color of the rainbow spectrum (silk are acceptable), along with whatever else feels right. In addition to your usual tools and props, upon the altar should be:

  • White or Dark Green Altar Cloth
  • Symbol or Statue to represent your Household Guardian
  • Small Cauldron with a Dark Green Candle inside
  • A Bell
  • Wood Chips from Birch, Oak, Rowan (Ash), Willow, Hawthorne, Hazel, Apple, Vine and Fir (to burn in the cauldron)(Note: it is not absolutely necessary to get all of these different woods, but do the best you can.)
  • Athame (for Great Rite Ceremony)
  • Chalice (for Great Rite Ceremony)
  • Household guardian figure
  • Anointing Oil
  • Incense – Any of the following either alone or mixed together:
  • Lilac, Jasmine, Frankincense, Myrrh, Dragon’s Blood, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Sage, Strawberry, Orange Peel, and Rose Petals 

When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your Ritual Robe or other Ritual attire. Be sure to wear your Magickal jewelry, if you have any. Place a Red candle in the Northern point of the circle.  Place a Green candle in the Southern point of the circle.  Place a Yellow candle in the Eastern point of the circle.  Place a Blue candle in the Western point of the circle.  Sit quietly and meditate for a little while – to ground and center. When you feel ready to begin, play some quiet peaceful music for the Ritual.

 Now take the bowl of salt, and walking clockwise around the circle, sprinkle a little as you walk, saying:

“ With Salt I purify this circle, may no harm enter within.”

When you have finished, replace the salt on the Altar. 

Take the bowl of water and sprinkle a little as you walk the circle saying

“ With Water I purify this circle, may no harm enter within.”

When you have finished, replace the water on the altar.

Take the censer and walk the circle saying”

“ With Air and Fire I purify this circle, may no harm enter within.”

Take your Athame , and walk around the circle, in a clockwise direction, imagining white light streaming out from the Athame to create a circle of fire.  As you walk around a second time, imagine the fire growing higher and higher, spreading out under the ground as well.  As you walk around for the third and final time, imagine the fire closing up over the top of you, and joining up under the ground to create a sphere.  When you have finished, stand in the centre of the circle with arms up and say:

“I cast this magick circle, that it be a boundary between this world, and that of the Spirit realm. As above, So below, the circle is cast!”

Call the Quarters, saying the following:

“Hail, O Spirit of the East, Element of Air, represented by the Rising Sun and the Flying Hawk: I bid thee attend this sacred circle of perfect love and perfect trust, as we observe and honor the romantic season of Beltane.” Light the East Quarter candle.

“Hail, O Spirit of the South, Element of Fire, represented by the Noonday Sun and the Rutting Stag: I bid thee attend this sacred circle of perfect love and perfect trust, as we observe and honor the romantic season of Beltane.” Light the South Quarter candle.

“Hail, O Spirit of the West, Element of Water, represented by the Setting Sun and the Leaping Salmon: I bid thee attend this sacred circle of perfect love and perfect trust, as we observe and honor the romantic season of Beltane.” Light the West Quarter candle.

“Hail, O Spirit of the North, Element of Earth, represented by the Midnight Sun and the Standing Bear: I bid thee attend this sacred circle of perfect love and perfect trust, as we observe and honor the romantic season of Beltane.” Light the North Quarter candle.

Invoke Deity: “Blessed Lady, Blessed Lord, spark and nurturer of the fire of all life, I honor Thee in body, mind, and spirit.”  Light the Silver & Gold Candles. Now say:

“Blessed be this day of Beltane,

Wedding day of the Goddess and the God.

Holy day of Sacred Marriage,

Holy night of Sacred Union.

The fertile Goddess of Summer walks through the land

With the Great Horned God of the Forest,

And the dark time of Winter is behind me.

Ring the bell seven times, then continue, saying:

“The animals breed and the plants pollinate,

As the May Queen and Green Man

bestow Their blessings upon the Earth

and Earth’s creatures.

I, (magickal name) who am Their child,

rejoice with Them and ask that

Their happy union become the example

for all humanity to live in love and harmony.”

Light the candle in the cauldron and say:

“The dark days are cleared away

so that the May Day can now begin!”

Ring bell three times

Drop the wood chips one by one into the flame in the cauldron, state the properties of each, as follows… (be careful, and use a small cauldron that can be covered with a snuffer or lid in case things get out of hand — you don’t need to use a lot of chips, just a little for the symbology). Say:

“I burn thee Birch to honor the Goddess;

and now add thee Oak to honor the God.

Thou Rowan I add for a magickal life;

and add thee Willow to celebrate death.

Thou Hawthorne I burn for fairies near me;

thou Hazel I burn for wisdom you bring.

I add thee good Apple to bring me love;

and thou Vine whose fruit is the symbol of joy.

Fir you are added as the symbol of rebirth;

your sweet scent reminds me of my immortality.

My blessings I give to all of thee,

and thy blessings I call from thee upon me.

So as I will, So Mote It Be!”

At this point, you will perform the Great Rite (symbolicallyTake your athame in your right hand, and your chalice in your left, and hold them in front of you. See them as the Earthly vessels of deity. Now say these words:

“I greet the time of unions and give honor to

the Lord and the Lady for Their fruitfulness!

Tonight (today) I witness the marriage of my Goddess and God.

May Their union be fertile and productive!”

Slowly lower the athame blade into the chalice and feel the union of the deities. Say:

“As They are one, They become one.

As They become one, They are one.

And I am also one with Them.”

Raise the athame and chalice, still united, to your forehead to honor this union of the three of you. Place them back upon the altar. Now dance or at least march around the altar, beginning in the North, and moving deosil. Pause to greet each Elemetal quarter with outstretched arms. Move back in front of the altar when you are finished. Now pick up the symbol of your house Guardian, concentrate on these words, as you say aloud:

“Lovely Lady and Great Horned Lord,

I present to You the Guardian of this house

which is my home.

I have invited this Special Spirit into my home as my

protector and helper in all things.

I honor this Spirit in this symbol of its being.

Great Ones, bless this Guardian of this Home.

And to Your blessings, I add my thanks.

Blessed be!”

You should now lightly anoint the Guardian symbol or statue with some appropriate oil. If the symbol is such that it cannot be oiled, at least swing the smoking incenseli burner around it.

When you have finished, you can now hold the simple feast, of wine and cookies  Don’t forget to leave some as an offering to the Goddess and God which you should pour/crumble into the ground, to give back to Mother Earth.

Bless your food and drink offering by reciting the following:

“O Gracious Mother, I thank You so
For the food and beverage that You bestow
For Your protection and Your love
That flows to me from the stars above

I offer You thanks, love, and mirth
As I eat your bounty from the Earth”

Eat and drink what you want of the food offering.

When you are ready to end the circle, stand before the Goddess candle and say:

“Farewell O’ loving Goddess, I thank you for your assistance and protection, Both within this circle, and in my life.
I now bid you farewell, may you go in peace and love. Blessed be.”

Blow or pinch out her candle. 

Repeat for the God candle.

“Farewell O’ loving God, I thank you for your assistance and protection, Both within this circle, and in my life.
I now bid you farewell, may you go in peace and love. Blessed be.”

Return to the Eastern candle, say:

“Farewell Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, I thank you for your assistance within this circle. 
I bid you now farewell, may you go in peace and love.  Blessed be.”

Blow/pinch out the Eastern candle.  

“Farewell Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, I thank you for your assistance within this circle. 
I bid you now farewell, may you go in peace and love.  Blessed be.”

Blow out the Southern Candle

“Farewell Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, I thank you for your assistance within this circle. 
I bid you now farewell, may you go in peace and love.  Blessed be.”

Blow out the Western Candle

“Farewell Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, I thank you for your assistance within this circle. 
I bid you now farewell, may you go in peace and love.  Blessed be.”

Blow out the Northern Candle

When you have said farewell to the Northern Guardian, walk clockwise around the circle, imagining the white fire that created the circle retracting back into your Athame/Wand/finger.  Walk around doing this 3 times, and when you have returned to the northern point again, put down the Athame/Wand and say:
“May the circle be open, but unbroken”

The ritual is now ended. It is done!

{April 29, 2010}   The Cat is Okay!

Thanks for all the inquiries.  The cat is fine – I think she was stung by a bee on her lower lip.  The healing spell I did I think helped her get better quicker.  Her lip is no longer swollen, but there seems to be a small scab that is healing up.  She is very purry and happy when I sit outside with her.  So I am pretty sure she will be okay!

{April 27, 2010}   The Journey Will Continue

So I realized last night that it has been a year & a day today since my journey into being Wiccan began.  Wow- sometimes it seems like it has been so long and other times it seems like just a few weeks have gone by.  I have learned a lot about myself, others in my life and about where I want to be.  I have had in some ways just an awful year – unemployment, the death of a best friend, and the near death of my sister, as well as my own health problem. But there has been a lot of fun too – it was nice to have a summer off to swim and run and sunbath, it was great not having to drive anywhere when it snowed, and of course my trips to the Renaissance Faire, to Maine, and the various small side trips that we were able to do last summer and fall.

As for becoming Wiccan, when I think back to what I thought Wicca would be for me and what it has turned out to be is what this journey was about. I have become much better at casting a circle – I am able to actually feel it there all the time, as opposed to mostly not.  I have a much better understanding of the Sabbats at what they mean and why they are celebrated they way they are; a connection to our past.  When I was Catholic, I was pretty much a twice a year Catholic- I attended church Christmas & Easter, and maybe 4 or 5 times more a year.  I am sort of the same way with Wicca – I do not celebrate every full moon and have missed celebrating a couple of Sabbats, but I do feel the more connected to my religion then in the past.  Maybe it is because, I am responsible for conducting the celebration, or maybe it is because I feel the Goddess is with me all the time, but it is always there with me.  I never really felt any direct connection to my deity when I was Catholic. 

When I first started reading about Wicca, I thought I would have to pick the Gods & Goddess I would want to follow, but I learned that for me they do not need to have a name.  The Goddess could be Isis or Marge, it really does not matter; She is there for me.  Actually, I find it more comforting to not have a name, putting a name and a face to my deity- it makes them common, and they are not common to me.  They are divine and are above the need for a name.  Another thing I read a great deal about was mysticism; again not to my taste.  I still find that I am pretty ritualized and formal when doing a celebration that is really my personality anyways, so I guess it is reflected in how I celebrate my religion. 

I do still mediate – or at least try to.  I really have a hard time making my mind blank!  It is always wandering.  I do a Tarot reading every so often, and have really enjoyed learning about crystals and herbs.  I have always been into herbal healing and now I have added crystals as well.  I have used a simple stone to take away back pain and headaches!  I don’t know why it works, but for me it does.

Of course probably my favorite thing I have gained has been my familiar!  The cat and I have a great connection, she has been my companion at most rituals I do outside and recently in the screen porch as well.  Last week I think she was sick – it seemed like her lower jaw was paralyzed and she was gagging a lot –I was really worried about her.  I did a healing spell for her and I think it worked!  She is all better now, no gagging, her jaw is fine, and her fur is bright and shiny. I don’t know what it was, but it seems to have passed. 

On the topic of spells, the employment spell I did last full moon has not been completed – yet.  Since then I have gone on 2-3 interviews a week, lots better then the average before of 1 every 6 weeks or so!  So far, I am waiting to hear back on 3, 2 I was not at all qualified for, and the other either were really awful sounding and I would not want them or I just did not get the job.  Sort of disappointed about 1 of those I did not get – not really sure why, I was way qualified for it, I had a good connection with at least one of the interviewers – the hiring manager, and I thought I made a good impression on the other 4 people.  I would have been great for the job, but for whatever reason, they did not hire me, their loss I guess, but…

So my year and I day is over, but my journey will continue.

{April 15, 2010}   Employment Spell Update

So I went on 1 interview on Tuesday, the job was a joke.  It is one of those that I should have been savyier about – you know the type, “we have openings, the recession has not slowed us down” – yeah right.  That was a bust.  Went on second interview Yesterday, job sounds interesting, but I don’t think I am qualified, they are looking more for a graphic designer.  3rd interview this morning, again the job sounds okay, but it is one of those that they really need like 4 people, but only have the money to hire 1.  So they person has to run around from department to department.  The final one of the week is tomorrow – this is the one that I really would like to have.  It is working with social media and building the company’s presence.  So we will see, I think I may do a re-enforcing  spell this evening.

{April 12, 2010}   Employment Spell

Here’s hoping that the spell I did last full moon is working.  Last week I had 5 phone interviews and this week so far I have 3 in person interviews from those phone interviews!  I think I should also hear about at least one of the remain 2.  When I look back over the almost past year, I am amazed at how much more I am understanding what it is that I am doing.  Last Beltain I did my 1st employment spell, I realize now that I should not have added the spell to the Sabbat Ritual.  Then this summer, I did another employment spell but it was really one that I got from the internet, and I did not fully understand the “why” behind what I was doing.  So this time I wrote my own spell, used herbs that aid success (from Scott Cunninghams herb book), some cystals, and an anointing oil that I mixed up just for getting a job.  So far it looks like I am having more success that the previous spells.  FINGERS ARE CROSSED!

{April 6, 2010}   Book of Shadows redux

My BoS has become massive!  I got from eBay a leather binder that is about 5″ thick – have have it filled.  So I now have another binder, this one is about 4″ thick, and it is about half way filled. 

So I have been spending some time trying to figure out, how I should divide between the 2 books.  At first I thought I would just move the last couple of chapters.  Then I realized that maybe that was not really the best way to go – I would have to keep switching in-between the books.  So then I tried having Moon Magick & Spells in one book and everything else in the other.  This did not work out, on Ostara, when I would again need 2 books (I did a healing spell – my ankle is getting achy). So now I have them divided with just Spells in the second book – on the last full moon I did an employment spell (yes I am still looking for full time employment) and rather then have to carry out 2 really heavy books, I just printed the spell out on another sheet of paper, then at the end of the rite, I burned the paper (rather then have duplicate sheets).  So I will have to see how that goes.

Spent Easter with my sister in St Louis – It was plain old HOT there!  We ended up putting on the A/C, the oven made the house really hot.  I only brought with jeans & long sleeve shirts, so I was really warm.  I borrowed a pair of shorts from my niece – it helped a little.  But one thing I did like was the way my legs looked in the shorts.  Teaching the Ballet classes, has toned my legs up.  I guess I had not realized just how out of shape they were!

et cetera